
Where is your training performed?Shenanigans happen in the home, so we are happy to offer our private lessons in the comfort of your own home! We are also happy to host you at our home or another agreed upon public space for training sessions. Alumni Group Classes are held at public parks.
I don’t use a crate - will I have to crate train my dog?We believe crates are powerhouses and your best friend when working to change your relationship with your dog. We encourage owners to be open to all training tools/ protocols to help them attain their goals and will share our insight into how crates can help you with a variety of behavioral challenges. We also understand that not all dogs need a crate, so unless your dog is destroying things in your absence or biting family members, we will not require you to crate train your dog.
What is the process to hire us?Also listed under Training Programs. 1 - Fill out application ( we encourage you to take the time to check out our website and become familiar with our techniques & processes!) 2 - Schedule/ Complete initial phone consultation 3 - Schedule / Complete In Person consultation 4 - Sign on and start your journey to joy and peace of mind with your dog!
Can we get started right away? Is there a wait list?We want to ensure active clients get our undivided attention and the results they deserve and sometimes cannot avoid a wait period (typically around a month). You'll receive support and ideas to start immediately at your consultation and at sign on we schedule a 2 hour get started lesson (typically within 2 weeks) to add protocols you can put in place right away to move towards your goals.
Can you teach my kids to take care of their dog?YESSS! We love teaching EVERYONE in the household, from grandparents to kids, roomies to frequent guests so much.. We actually require it. 😉 Dogs are influenced by their environment and everyone around them, including any other animals in the home. You are hiring us to train you and your family and we expect the family to be active participants. We don’t train your dog for you, we coach and train you and everyone needs to be on board, present for lessons and be willing to participate and work together with the training. This is not just about the one dog, together we are creating a new lifestyle for your ENTIRE family! Your willingness and ability to do the training together as a family are essential to achieving long-term success.
Tell me more about your training process? What will my dog learn?Your training journey starts with weekly private training sessions directly in your home where we begin by building a communication system (conditioning e-collar and pattern obedience commands using your dog’s daily meal). Every week is a different phase/module of the training that builds on the last. At the end of every training session, we go over your homework for the week so you can move forward in training and get your desired results. During the week you have access to training guides and videos as well as virtual support via phone, email, text etc. Once you graduate from private training you transition into group class for maintenance, continued growth and support! There is no one right way to train a dog, each dog is different, learns differently and at different paces AND each dog/handler team is different and their expectations are different - whew! So! Our base program is designed to cultivate communication, calmness and control. We will pattern obedience commands like recall “COME” and “PLACE” and condition tools to bridge the gap of communication, then use those skills to tailor your program to your lifestyle, situation and end goals. What can we accomplish together? Awesome New Skills: Crate Training E-Collar Training Off-Leash Reliability (inside and outside) On/Off Switch Sit-Stay Down-Stay Leash Training Place Command Out (Leave/Drop it) Polite Greetings/ Manners Gain Sold Communication Gain Off-Leash Possibilities Gain Respect, Trust, Control Gain a Better Bond STOP Unwanted Behaviors: STOP barking/whining STOP jumping STOP counter surfing STOP pulling leash STOP reacting at dogs/humans STOP destructive behaviors STOP potty issues STOP stubbornness STOP nipping STOP over excitement STOP bolting out the door STOP THE STRESS Ultimately it’s for you, your dog, your home, your life.
What are your prices?Each dog and owner/handler team is unique and requires their own particular set of skills, commands, and lifestyle changes. Therefore, the price, program, and number of sessions are best decided after the initial in-person evaluation. We believe in transparency so you can find ballpark pricing for our programs on the Training Programs page 😉.
What equipment do I need to buy / are there additional costs?Our programs include all necessary equipment: Mini Educator E-Collar, Prong Collar, Quick Snap Bungee Strap, Comfort Pads and a 15' Long Line. We also take care of any adjustments needed like making sure your dog has the right strap/contact points. Check out this frequently updated blog about our favorite supplies.
What happens if I don't get the results I want from the training? Do you offer a guarantee?If you complete any work with your dog, you WILL see some results. Every dog is unique and follows its own process and path in relationship, age, genetics, environmental challenges, the human(s) in their environment, diet, health, and so much more and creating a well-behaved, balanced dog comes down to YOU, your dedication, consistency and follow through and only you can provide that guarantee. Your Required Commitment: You must commit to showing up for yourself and your dog and do the work over the long term. You are responsible for following through on your end of the homework given at all times; in preparation for training, in between lesson appointments and following through after private lessons. We also empathize that lifestyle shifts take work, they take time, and you will need coaching and support during and after training Our Promise: We are committed to YOU We will give you 100% of our focus when we are helping you train your dog in private lessons and we'll cater the training towards what you and your dog desire to achieve. We will help you with as many private in-home lessons as it takes to get your dog to a significantly better place. We will help you maintain your results and strengthen your (and your dog's) skills with our bimonthly group classes for at least one year. You will have access to your Training Guide and Video Program forever! Think of this long term aftercare and support like an extended warranty! 😉. If something breaks down, and you and your dog backslide, get to group class and we'll help you get back on the right track!
What tools do you use?Our programs focus on your dog’s overall state of mind and strengthening your relationship. All dogs are different and have different relationships with their families. It’s important to have many tools and protocols available because there is no “one size fits all” approach to training. We have a deep toolbox! Some of the tools we specialize in include: Body (your first and best tool!), verbal commands/ energy, leashes (longline, slip, 4-6’), prong collar, e-collar/remote training collar, food/ treats, head halter, clip around collar, pet convincer (compressed air), dressage whip, bonker, squirt bottle, and shaker can. We understand tools are a hot & controversial topic and we'd love to show and educate you on how to properly and humanely use each of them and see the benefits (gain freedom and peace of mind; stop the stress and anxiety). What if I'm not comfortable with the tools or training protocols? Tools are used to support and empower you in following through with the consistency (reliability), guidance and accountability most dogs thrive on. Ultimately, you get to decide what you're willing to tolerate (or not) from your dog and if you feel these tools and methods aren't for you, that’s ok! We’ll happily coach you through what to look for in a trainer that may be a better fit.
Do you offer group training classes?We currently offer Group Class/ Pack Walk access for owners who have completed private lessons with us!
Board & Train or Private Lessons?We currently only offer Private Lesson Programs. No doubt - Board & Train programs are effective! The reality is that while we (and other trainers/ facilities who currently offer it) are able to achieve all of your wishes with your dog within a matter of weeks, with all the heavy lifting done for you and the dog “turn key”; long term outcomes are based on YOU and your dog. Changing your relationship and your dog’s belief about you only comes from your dog experiencing YOUR follow through and investment of time, not your trainer’s or just your financial investment in the initial training program. One-on-one coaching with long term after care and support teaches you to grow and maintain yours and your dog’s training results over the long term. In - Home training allows us to focus on your lifestyle and tailor the program to you and what you want rather than spending time on behaviors you won’t use.
Do you have any breed or size restrictions?Big, small, we train them all!
What are your Training Methods?We believe creating a well mannered companion requires building a relationship of clear communication, boundaries and fulfillment, with a focus on calmness, connection and control, so our dogs can be included in our lives (what these pack animals really want) and we can guide them through any situation that life throws our way. Our clients seek to work with us because they ultimately want off-leash reliability, and safety when interacting with their dogs both, in and out of doors. We use a combination of Positive Reinforcement - food/ treats, praise/ affection, toys etc. to build and strengthen the behaviors we want. This is the fun part that keeps our dogs happy and engaged. Where things fall apart… When distractions are moderate to high, or our dog doesn’t believe in us, positive motivation is limited and un-reliable. Positive methods work ah-mazingly well! ... Until they don't. Our training works in the real world with real world distractions. At home. In the car. On your walks. At the park, Anywhere! We also teach you how to appropriately and fairly use Negative Reinforcement - Spatial, verbal or physical pressure/release to clearly communicate with or correct your dog to hold them accountable and make desired behaviors more reliable or to stop dangerous or unwanted behaviors and get your dog’s attention back on you so you can guide them through any situation and ultimately back to positive motivation. Simply put - we use positive reinforcement to teach a dog what to do and negative reinforcement to teach a dog what not to do.
What are your prices?
Each dog and owner/handler team is unique and requires their own particular set of skills, commands, and lifestyle changes. Therefore, the price, program, and number of sessions are best decided after the initial in-person evaluation.
We believe in transparency so you can find ballpark pricing for our programs on the Training Programs page 😉.
What is the process to work with us?
Also listed under Training Programs.
1 - Fill out application ( we also encourage you to take the time to check out our website and become familiar with our processes!)
2 - Schedule/ Complete initial phone consultation
3 - Schedule / Complete In Person consultation
4 - Sign on and start your journey to joy and peace of mind with your dog!
What are your Training Methods?
We believe creating a well mannered companion requires building a relationship of clear communication, boundaries and fulfillment, with a focus on calmness, connection and control, so our dogs can be included in our lives (what these pack animals really want) and we can guide them through any situation that life throws our way.
Our clients seek to work with us because they ultimately want off-leash reliability, and safety when interacting with their dogs both, in and out of doors.
We use a combination of Positive Reinforcement - food/ treats, praise/ affection, toys etc. to build and strengthen the behaviors we want. This is the fun part that keeps our dogs happy and engaged.
Where things fall apart…
When distractions are moderate to high, or our dog doesn’t believe in us, positive motivation is limited and un-reliable.
Positive methods work ah-mazingly well! ... Until they don't.
Our training works in the real world with real world distractions.
At home. In the car. On your walks. At the park, Anywhere!
We also teach you how to appropriately and fairly use Negative Reinforcement - Spatial, verbal or physical pressure/release to clearly communicate with or correct your dog to hold them accountable and make desired behaviors more reliable or to stop dangerous or unwanted behaviors and get your dog’s attention back on you so you can guide them through any situation and ultimately back to positive motivation.
What tools do you use?
Our programs focus on your dog’s overall state of mind and strengthening your relationship.
All dogs are different and have different relationships with their families.
It’s important to have many tools available because there is no “one size fits all” approach to training.
We have a deep toolbox!
Some of the tools we specialize in include: Body (your first and best tool!), verbal commands/ energy, leashes (longline, slip, 4-6’), prong collar, e-collar/remote training collar, food/ treats, head halter, clip around collar, pet convincer (compressed air), dressage whip, bonker, squirt bottle, and shaker can.
We understand tools are a hot & controversial topic and we'd love to show and educate you on how to properly and humanely use each of them and see the benefits (gain freedom and peace of mind; stop the stress and anxiety).
But if you feel these tools and methods aren't for you, that’s ok! We’ll happily coach you through what to look for in a trainer that may be a better fit.
Board & Train or Private Lessons?
We currently only offer Private Lesson Programs.
No doubt - Board & Train programs are effective!
The reality is that while we (and other trainers/ facilities who currently offer it) are able to achieve all of your wishes with your dog within a matter of weeks, with all the heavy lifting done for you and the dog “turn key”; long term outcomes are based on YOU and your dog.
Changing your relationship and your dog’s belief about you only comes from your dog experiencing YOUR follow through and investment of time, not your trainer’s or just your financial investment in the initial training program.
One-on-one coaching with long term after care and support teaches you to grow and maintain yours and your dog’s training results over the long term.
In - Home training allows us to focus on your lifestyle and tailor the program to you and what you want rather than spending time on behaviors you won’t use.
Tell me more about your training process? What will my dog learn?
Your training journey starts with weekly private training sessions directly in your home where we begin by building a communication system (conditioning e-collar and pattern obedience commands using your dog’s daily meal).
Every week is a different phase/module of the training that builds on the last.
At the end of every training session, we go over your homework for the week so you can move forward in training and get your desired results.
During the week you have access to training guides and videos as well as virtual support via phone, email, text etc.
Once you graduate from private training you transition into group class for maintenance, continued growth and support!
There is no one right way to train a dog, each dog is different, learns differently and at different paces AND each dog/handler team is different and their expectations are different - whew!
Our base program is designed to cultivate communication, calmness and control. We will pattern obedience commands like recall “COME” and “PLACE” and condition tools to bridge the gap of communication, then use those skills to tailor your program to your lifestyle, situation and end goals.
What can we accomplish together?
Awesome New Skills:
Crate Training
E-Collar Training
Off-Leash Reliability (inside and outside)
On/Off Switch
Leash Training
Place Command
Out (Leave/Drop it)
Polite Greetings/ Manners
Gain Sold Communication
Gain Off-Leash Possibilities
Gain Respect, Trust, Control
Gain a Better Bond
Ultimately it’s for you, your dog, your home, your life.
What equipment do I need to buy / are there additional costs?
Our programs include all necessary equipment: Mini Educator E-Collar, Prong Collar, Quick Snap Bungee Strap, Comfort Pads and a 15' Long Line.
We also take care of any adjustments needed like making sure your dog has the right strap/contact points.
Check out this frequently updated blog about our favorite supplies.
Can you teach my kids to take care of their dog?
YESSS! We love teaching EVERYONE in the household, from grandparents to kids, roomies to frequent guests so much..
We actually require it. 😉
Dogs are influenced by their environment and everyone around them, including any other animals in the home.
You are hiring us to train you and your family and we expect the family to be active participants.
We don’t train your dog for you, we coach and train you and everyone needs to be on board, present for lessons and be willing to participate and work together with the training.
This is not just about the one dog, together we are creating a new lifestyle for your ENTIRE family!
Your willingness and ability to do the training together as a family are essential to achieving long-term success.
Do you have any breed or size restrictions?
🐾 Big, small, we train them all! 🐾
What happens if I don't get the results I want from the training? Do you offer a guarantee?
If you complete any work with your dog, you WILL see some results.
The reality is that creating a well-behaved, balanced dog comes down to YOU, your dedication, consistency and follow through and only you can provide that guarantee.
Your Required Commitment:
You must show up for yourself and your dog and do the work over the long term.
We also empathize that lifestyle shifts take work, they take time, and you will need coaching and support during and after training
Our Promise:
We will give you 100% of our focus when we are helping your train your dog in private lessons and we'll cater the training towards what you and your dog desire to achieve.
We will help you with as many private in-home lessons as it takes to get your dog to a significantly better place.
We will then help you maintain your results and strengthen your (and your dog's) skills with our bimonthly group classes for at least one year.
You will have access to your Training Guide and Video Program forever!
Think of this long term aftercare and support like an extended warranty! 😉. If something breaks down, and you and your dog backslide, get to group class and we'll help you get back on the right track!
Do you offer group training classes?
We currently offer group class access for owners who have completed private lessons with us.
Where is your training performed?
Shenanigans happen in the home, so we are happy to offer our private lessons in the comfort of your own home!
We are also happy to host you at our home or another agreed upon public space for training sessions.
Alumni Group Classes are held at public parks.
I don’t use a crate - will I have to crate train my dog?
We believe crates are powerhouses and your best friend when working to change your relationship with your dog.
We also understand that not all dogs need a crate, so unless your dog is destroying things in your absence or biting family members, we will not require you to crate train your dog.
STOP Unwanted Behaviors:
STOP barking/whining
STOP jumping
STOP counter surfing
STOP pulling leash
STOP reacting at dogs/humans
STOP destructive behaviors
STOP potty issues
STOP stubbornness
STOP nipping
STOP over excitement
STOP bolting out the door
But wait! What about...?
No worries! We love that you're invested in your dog and want to find the right fit, so do we! We have a ton of answers and might have answered one or more of your questions below. Scroll through these frequently asked questions to see if you find your answer. If not, send us a quick text!